Spatial Needs Assessments

A spatial needs assessment is an early, essential part of a comprehensive planning approach to achieving a new facility. The Center for Public Safety (CPS) can provide either preliminary or a detailed analysis that will define the functional needs and scope of future facilities. This can serve as a planning tool for the future. We will seek, through personal meetings and an established communication process, to set realistic goals and to build a consensus for the study document. It is a primary goal that when the work product is complete, our client will have an easy to read document that will serve as a vision for its future needs. The space needs provides four important elements of the planning process:

  • Identifies and documents deficiencies of the existing facility or facilities
  • Provides a preliminary or detailed space-by-space definition of the elements to be included in the new facility, including projections for future facility needs.
  • Provides the initial budget analysis and options for identifying the cost of an appropriate facility.
  • Initiates the political process necessary to creating a consensus for a new facility.

Facilities Evaluations / Site Evaluation

CPS, can conduct facilities evaluations which will include inspecting the existing facility and evaluating the functional aspects of the building or buildings. A detailed facility review may include the following:

  • A tour of the existing facility
  • Review of potential sites
  • Photographic documentation including major systems and equipment
  • An evaluation of the general condition of the structure, limited to a preliminary assessment of the structure(s)
  • A detailed building and space analysis and evaluation report

CPS can also provide detailed site evaluation for one or more sites. The team will gather all pertinent site characteristics, data and information on the site(s). We will provide evaluation criteria for the objective consideration of each site using many factors, provide a weighted “criteria value” for each of the factors, based upon their respective overall value or degree of importance and conduct a detailed evaluation of the site(s). We will then provide the same information in a written report at which time we will also verify and/or make recommendations as to the use of the referenced site(s), the need for additional sites and/or the possible acquisition of adjacent or nearby properties.

Funding Identification

There are several methods by which a public facility can be funded. In addition to the standard method of including a project in the capital improvements programs, agencies can fund projects through voter referendum, grants from both state and federal agencies, and various public and private financing options.

We our experts who can assist you with planning and executing a voter referendum, as well as individuals experienced in grant writing. In addition, we partner with a company who can assist clients with financing options available to government entities such as:

  • General Obligation Bonds
  • General Appreciation Bonds
  • Capital Lease
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Bank Loans

Please contact us for additional information.

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Our next seminar is May 1-2, 2025